Medication Permission Forms
Permission Forms for all medication to be given at school. Must be completed by parents/guardian before medication is given. Medication must be dropped off by parents to school nurse. (Students are not allowed to transport medication)
- Permission For Non-Prescription Medications - This form is for school provided, over-the-counter medication to students. ONLY medication specified on the form and checked by parent is given.
- Forma de Salud/Permiso para Medicamentos sin Receta
- Permission For Medication Administration - This form grants permission for school nurses to administer ALL medication (Prescription and Non-Prescription) that is brought in by the parent.
- Permission For Possessing & Self-Administering Medication - This form requires parent and physician signatures. ALL medications students need to have with them during school to treat an emergency (e.g., EPI pen, inhalers, diabetic supplies, etc.) should be included.
med admin permit form-blue form.pdf
Forma de salud CRES -purple.pdf